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Help us out!

If you're passionate about caring for people and willing to give out a helping hand, please send us an email through our contact information below, along with several forms we need you to fill up. You may find them when you download it through the button below.

  • How to download forms for Android
    Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Samsung Internet) on your Android phone. Navigate to the page "Apply to be part of the team" containing the file you want to download. Tap on the download forms or button for the desired file. A prompt may appear, asking you to confirm the download. Tap "Download" or "Save" to continue. The file will now begin downloading. You can monitor the progress in the notification bar or within the browser's downloads section. Once the download is complete, the file will automatically be saved to the "Downloads" folder on your device. To access the downloaded file, open the "Files" app or a file manager app. Navigate to the "Downloads" folder and locate your downloaded zip folder.
  • How to download forms on iPhone (iOS)
    Open the Safari web browser on your iOS device. Navigate to the "Apply to be part of the team" page containing the file you want to download. Tap on the download forms or button for the desired file. A download icon will appear in the upper right corner of the browser window, indicating that the download has started. Once the download is complete, tap on the download icon to open the "Downloads" folder. You can find your downloaded file in the "Downloads" folder within the "Files" app. Open the "Files" app and navigate to "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad." Locate the forms in the "Downloads" folder and tap on it to access your downloaded file.
  • Once I've completed the forms, how do I send it over?
    Download forms: Download the following forms: Criminal record HCS501 HH Global Services Application Form LIC500 SOC341A Fill out forms: Complete all the downloaded forms with accurate information. Scan additional documents: Scan or take clear pictures of: Government issued ID or driver's license COVID Vaccine card Save files: Save all completed forms and scanned documents in an easily accessible folder on your device. Compose email: Open your email client, create a new email, and set the recipient as Add subject line: Enter the subject line: "HH Caregiver Applicant 2023." Attach forms and documents: Attach the completed forms and scanned documents to the email: Criminal record HCS501 HH Global Services Application Form LIC500 SOC341A Government issued ID or driver's license COVID Vaccine card Send email: Review the email for accuracy, ensure all attachments are included, and then click "Send."

Our Contact Information




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© 2023 Helping Hand by MarinateMedia

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